Monday, November 5, 2012

Treatment 6 (June 13th, 2012) & Treatment 7 (October 8th, 2012)

Shortly after his 6th treatment with Yoda in his new big boy bed
All healed up from treatment 6 (and adorable as ever) 

Treatment 6

We have gotten Enler's treatments down to a routine. Up early and at the hospital where we meet Grandma. Check in and then down to the pre-op area where we play until he gets his versed. Once we leave him in the OR, we rush to the cafeteria to grab breakfast before he's all done (it takes about 20 minutes for the whole procedure). The only thing that was new this treatment is that we did it on a Wednesday (instead of Thursday) and we had a different doctor. She was a very lovely, young dermatologist. It went flawless. Once we got him home, mommy had to head to work but daddy and grandma stayed with him to give him cuddles. He healed up quickly but scheduling meant we couldn't do his next treatment until October. 

After treatment 7 showing off his funny faces his Grandpa taught him

All healed up from treatment 7 and ready for Halloween! 

Treatment 7

 Like the last, this treatment went smoothly. The biggest change has been Enler being able to tell us that he hurts (breaks our hearts), but its only a short period (hours) and he's back to his happy self by the evening. He's growing so fast! 

We had some personal experiences happen between the 6th and 7th treatment that reminded us of all the amazing things we have to be thankful for. Top on that list is Enler. It also put his birthmark into perspective again. Its such a small thing and his huge, joyful, cheeky, smart, adorable personality shines so much brighter than his mark does. We have decided we will keep going with the treatments until he is 4, but the goal will not be resolution. We'll just give it a shot. 
We love our big boy so much and are SO lucky to have him!

Next treatment is scheduled for the end of November. Hopefully it will be all healed by Christmas. 


  1. Dear Twaddell Family

    Your little boy is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing. Its very hard to find info on laser treatments and how they work so your blog is great for this. My little one is 11 months and has a PWS on the right side of his temple area and another patch on his forehead. He has had 1 treatment so far and I'm just unsure how it was supposed to respond. Dr just said wait 3 weeks and it will be gradual but how gradual. Should I notice an immediate difference or after 1 treatment is it to early to tell. I’m just afraid it’s not going to respond as they said this sometimes happens.

    Thank you again

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I absolutely appreciate your blog. Very informative for a new parent with a 2 month old son who was also born with port wine stain. I notice your blog stopped 2012. How did the laser treatment turn out? Were you happy you went thru with it? We are deciding if we will being treatment on our son In 4 months.
