We've been busy since the last treatment! We'd planned on doing another treatment in 2 months but lots came up. First, we went back to Ireland in September for two weeks to visit Nanny Ann and Granda Danny. Then, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not to mention busy work schedules and other family things going on. We're hoping things have settled down now and we can plan on an every two - three months treatment plan going forward.

The treatments are now starting to become routine. Enler's been the first on the schedule each treatment so we always get up really early for a 6 am check in. This is nice because then we beat the traffic getting into Phoenix. Grandma meets us there while we are checking in. We make sure to have Enler in his Star Wars pajamas. We had met a family last time that talked about having 'the force' be part of their treatment routine. Graham is a huge Star Wars fan and Enler is following in his daddy's foot steps. We tell Enler that Dr. Hansen uses a light saber to do the laser treatment and the CPAP (breathing machine) is like Darth Vader's mask. To that, he does his Darth Vader impression which consists of lots of deep breaths with puckered lips.
Once we are all checked in we head back to the pre-op area and Enler gets checked in by one of the very nice nurses and he gets a new stuffed animal. Once his vitals are checked, he is off to play in the play area. Shortly after, he gets versed and then all the various doctors come in to say hi and answer any questions. This time we met the fellow, who was a very nice guy. There was a new resident working with Dr. Hansen too - a Mayo Jacksonville dermatology resident.
Once the versed kicks in we are all taken back to the procedure room where we get to stay until Enler is put to sleep. After big kisses we scurry out to the waiting area and then to the cafeteria to grab our favorite breakfast burritos. We have to be quick because the procedure only takes about 20 minutes. We have just enough time to eat the burrito and then the dermatology fellow and resident are out with prescriptions and updates. Enler did great this treatment. They were able to increase the beam to 9.5 joules (it was 9.25 last time - the max is 10). In the waiting area we met another family with a 21 month old son who is on his 10th treatment. It was great talking to them and sharing our stories.
Shortly after talking to the doctors we are back in the post op area. Enler was still asleep again this time and we just hung out with him until he woke up. He didn't have the same issues with laryngospasm this time. The anesthesiologist did say though that his tonsils are really big. We'll have to let our pediatrician know.
The nurse taking care of him in the PACU was lovely. Her daughter had been to Mayo recently and so we had lots to chat about. Once Enler was awake we scooped him up and gave him cuddles and juice. As soon as his IV was out we were heading out to the car. We were home and in pajamas for a day of cuddling by 10:30 am. Another successful treatment.

The favorite parts of our treatment routine include having the time off together. We both took Thursday through Sunday off. The day of the treatment is special because Grandma is there and we just concentrate on Enler. He's usually more cuddly than normal and we can watch movies as a family. We even fit in a nice walk to the park in the afternoon. Watching him slither down the slide on his belly makes Graham and I reflect how surprised we are how quickly he bounces back to his normal self. This time we decided to head up to Williams (30 minutes west of Flagstaff where my folks have a cabin and 5 acres) to enjoy the rest of the long weekend in the forest and the cold. Grandpa drove us up here and Enler is having so much fun taking walks with him and the dogs. We think we'll try and make Williams part of our standard routine.