Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stationery card

Merriest Of Seasons Holiday Card
Turn your family photos into holiday cards this season.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Treatment 3: The Healing Period - July 2011

Pictures from the 17 day journey after Enler's 3rd treatment. Enjoy :)

Treatment Day: July 14th, 2011

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Our gorgeous boy all healed up!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Treatment 3: July 14th, 2011

We just got back from Enler's third treatment. It went smoothly like the second, although we were a little thrown off by the opening of the new Phoenix Children's Hospital (PCH). We headed to the door we usually do but it was closed so we had to make our way through the ED and multiple other hallways until we reached the expansive new PCH building, which is gorgeous. Grandma met us there as usual. We love that Grandma comes.

Things that were different this time (beside the new building) are:

1 - We found the play area in pre-op. It was awesome. Lots of fun toys and activities for Enler to play with while he waits for the procedure. He was too small for these toys the last two times, but I know this will become routine for future procedures.

2 - Enler got versed (a pain medication) prior to the procedure. The anesthesiologist says this helps him forgot all the scary parts of the procedure and by giving it to him earlier in the day its less likely that he will develop fear of the hospital. He was goofy! Half chewing on his pacifier and spacing out. We giggled a bit.

3 - They increased the dosage of his laser. Last time it was 9 joules, this time 9.25 joules. They will continue to do so each treatment as long as he tolerates it. We noticed his bruise looks darker purple this time. We assume its related to the higher intensity beam.

4 - We got to stay longer in the procedure room. We had a different anesthesiologist and he let us hang out until Enler was totally under. He was such a gentle doctor and wrapped Enler up in a big warm blanket and cradled him while he put him under. We got to give him big kisses before leaving (although he was sound asleep).

5 - We learned Enler is sensitive to the anesthesia. He may have seasonal allergies and that causes him to have laryngospasm (he did twice this time, but did not require intubation aka tube down the throat). We were instructed to let all future docs know this prior to putting him under. The anesthesiologist called me after the procedure to follow up on this (what a great man!). He recommends an antihistamine a few days prior to the next procedure to decrease chances of laryngospasm.

6 - When we went back to PACU, he was still asleep and on the oxygen mask. This was because of what I just described above. We had to chill until he woke up on his own. He looked so small and vulnerable. Our wee man.

As usual, we were very happy with Dr. Hansen and his team. He had a resident rotating from Mayo (who I've met before) and is a lovely man. We couldn't be happier with how it went. We plan another treatment in 2 months.

We are now home and he is running around, rolling around and having fun. He just learned to wave last weekend and that is his new favorite thing to do (so of course he's walking around the house waving to Graham, grandma and I)! We'll post healing pictures sooner this time than last.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Treatment 2: The Healing Period - January 2011

This took me a long time to upload, but here we are the night before Enler's 3rd treatment and for consistency sake I'm uploading his healing pictures from his last treatment. It took him about 2 weeks to completely heal. Enjoy our little mans photos.

Treatment Day
January 13th, 2011

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17
Happy to be healed :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Treatment #2: January 13th, 2011

Today was Enler's second treatment on his port wine treatment journey. Graham, I and Grandma Kling took the day off to be with Enler. I woke up at 3 am to breastfeed Enler - his last feed before the morning treatment. Then we were up at 4:30 getting ready to leave by 5:30 for a 6 am check in at Phoenix Children's Hospital (PCH). Grandma met us there.

Because we had been through this before the whole process went very smoothly and quickly. Unlike the first treatment, this time Enler was not the first on the schedule. We also did not have an eye exam this time (he will go for an outpatient check up later this month). We were back in the pre-op area by 7:30 am and Enler was in the treatment room by 8 am. We met with the dermatologist and anesthesiologist prior to going back to the treatment room. Both were wonderful. Enler started a nap while we were in the waiting room and slept until right before going back for his treatment. He was very pleasant throughout the whole pre-op period.

We found it easier leaving him with the doctors and other staff this time. We had been through the process and knew we could trust it and the providers. Once we left him we went and grabbed breakfast. Almost as soon as we got back to the waiting area, the dermatologist headed out to tell us the procedure was over and it had gone well. They increased the magnitude of the laser this time, 8.5 joules the first treatment and 9 joules this time. They will continue to increase it each treatment. Additionally, they have started using Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) during the procedure. The thought is by using this during the procedure the vasculature is brought closer to the superficial skin and therefore responds better to the laser. Our dermatologist learned about this recently during a conference by the laser creator in Portland.

Our dermatologist, who we adore, told us Enler's port wine stain is deep so it will take more treatments. The exact amount he cannot predict. Most likely he will need between 6 - 8 treatments, maybe more. The dermatologists plan is to keep going until the mark is completely resolved. If we feel comfortable with the progress prior to that, then we can stop earlier. We are on board for going for complete resolution. Graham had been concerned that Enler's birthmark could become thick and deformed. Our dermatologist told us that some do transform but usually you see signs by Enler's age. He sees none of that so suspects we won't have to worry about that. He also told us that in his practice the chances of needing re -treatment later in life for recurrence does not happen very often, approximately 10 - 20% of the time. The literature shows about a 50% recurrence rate, but his results have been better than these reported values. This was all good information.

After confirming with Graham the best Irish bars in the valley, and dropping off prescriptions, the dermatologist was off and we were being taken back to the post-op area. When Graham and I got back Enler was in tears. The nurses were trying to feed him a sippy cup, but he hasn't mastered the sippy cup yet. I had grabbed a bottle prior to going back so instantly picked him up, cradled him and started feeding him. This quieted him down for awhile. Once he started crying again the nurse suggested I wind him, as lots of times the babies get air in the bellies that causes them discomfort. After a huge belch, Enler was back to finishing his bottle. Graham went and got Grandma and she came back to give Enler cuddles and love with me. We hung out with him until the IV was out, he was changed and ready to go. We were all home by about 11 am.

We had thought Enler would sleep most of the day like he did after the first treatment and we were prepared for massive cuddles. But because Enler did not need intubation this time, he did not receive as much sedation. Therefore we had a pretty normal day at home with him (with just a little more cuddles than usual). He ate, napped and played like normal. He is starting to crawl faster and can pull him self up to a standing position like a pro. He had a visit by his Uncle Alex before bed and was all smiles and giggles up until bed.

It was a good day and we feel so lucky to have such excellent doctors, nurses and facilities to take our baby to for his treatments. We also feel so lucky to have such a supportive family. It was easier today then the first treatment and we imagine it will only continue to be easier. We will document his bruise resolution progress and post that next! Thanks for following along.